Thinking about buying a hair and nail salon? People are spending more on personal care and pampering than ever before. Buying a salon is a great way to tap into this market with services that people love and need regularly. But, a hair and nail salon can be more than...Read More »
Are you considering selling a hair and nail salon? Selling a salon opens the door to financial rewards and allows you to transition smoothly into your next venture. But, selling a hair and nail salon can be tricky. It can be difficult to set a listing price, attract...Read More »
Hair and nails are extensions of self. They are art, beauty, status, and health. In the same way, salon machinery and equipment are extensions of a hair and nail salon. They are purpose, utility, credibility, and financial value. An understanding of salon...Read More »
Hair and nail salons provide cosmetic hair and nail care services to customers of all ages. In recent years, this industry has experienced revenue and profit decline. However, the hair and nail salon industry is expecting healthy growth in the coming years. This is a...Read More »