As soon as you start receiving or spending money as a business, you should open a business bank account. A business account makes it easier to separate your personal finances from business finances. This can help protect your personal assets and make record-keeping...Read More »
The following are several key value drivers considered in business valuation that can be utilized in your business today. Consider each of these value drivers throughout the life of your business and understand how they impact the value when selling your business. For...Read More »
Most business owners have between 80-90% of their personal net worth tied up in the company they own – one highly non-liquid asset. Not only does this make estate planning difficult, but it also exposes the financial legacy you want to leave behind to your...Read More »
As a small business owner, one of your most important assets is your business. It not only provides a living, but also independence, a degree of financial security, and potentially your future retirement. Often it is more valuable than your personal residence. We hear...Read More »