Divorce can have adverse effects on a business. Additionally, your business may be the most valuable asset in your marriage. Getting an accurate business valuation for divorce will help you through the divorce process. In addition, understanding the true value of your...
Divorce can be a long, painful process that puts strain on every aspect of your life. Divorce is also rarely anticipated or expected in long-term plans. Divorce proceedings can be even more complicated if one or more parties own a business. If you or your spouse owns...
Starting a business with a spouse can be an excellent approach to entrepreneurship. However, business partnerships do not always work out. In some cases, this is due to divorce. When business partnerships with a spouse dissolve, both parties must decide how to move...
The journey through divorce is a daunting one especially when a business is involved. It is often filled with emotional and legal turbulence that can leave both parties feeling overwhelmed. As such, it is important to take the journey one step at a time with the right...
A divorce can be scary, messy, and uncharted territory for both of the parties involved. As such, it is important to consult with your legal counsel to be certain you handle everything with confidence and care. If you or your spouse owns a business, it is important to...
At Peak Business Valuation, business appraiser Utah, we receive many calls about valuing a business due to divorce. It is common to be unclear about where to start. Divorce is a difficult process, and the division of assets can often be strenuous and complex. Some...