As the number of working parents increases, daycares have become high in demand. Because of this, the daycare industry is an appealing choice for many buyers. But before buying, knowing a daycare’s value is essential. A valuation for buying a daycare helps you...
According to IBIS World, there are over 561,000 daycares in the United States. These establishments primarily help with childcare and supervision, early childhood development, and social development. The daycare industry has struggled over the past several years due...
The daycare industry includes businesses primarily providing daycare for infants and children. There are nearly 683,000 daycare centers operating in the United States. This industry generates over $55B in annual revenue. Thus, this industry is highly fragmented with...
The daycare center industry is on the rise. With more individuals and households having two income earners, the need for daycare services continues to increase. Nearly 50% of the industry includes small daycare centers – those with less than 25 employees. This...
There are nearly 655,000 daycare centers across the United States providing childcare for about 25% of children under the age of 5. With the changing nature of working parents, the daycare industry is rapidly expanding. It has a historical growth rate over the last...